12.45 Coffee, tea
13.15 Welcome,
Prof.dr.ir. J. Vandewalle (KU Leuven) and
Prof.dr.ir. J.W.M Bergmans (TU/e)
13.20 Trends in pregnancy monitoring,
Prof.dr. S.G. Oei (Máxima Medical Center and TU/e)
13.50 Electrophysiological Uterine monitoring,
Dr.ir. C. Rabotti (TU/e)
14.10 Electrophysiological Fetal monitoring,
Dr.ir. R. Vullings (TU/e)
14.30 The effect of neonatal monitoring on the clinical care in the NICU,
Prof.dr. G. Naulaers (KU Leuven)
15.00 Break
15.30 Industrial prospects in neonatal monitoring: less is more,
Dr.ir. M.I. van Lieshout (Philips Research)
16.00 Why do we need unobtrusive monitoring for preterm infants?
Prof.dr. S. Bambang Oetomo (Máxima Medical Center and TU/e)
16.30 Neonatal brain monitoring,
Prof.dr.ir. S. Van Huffel (KU Leuven) introduced by
Prof.dr.ir. C.J. van Duijn (rector magnificus TU/e)
17.30 Closing and drinks
Posters and demonstrations
During the break and the drinks surrounding the presentations there will be an exhibition with scientific posters and real-life demonstrations. More information about some of the demonstrations can be found here.
Download and print
A PDF-version of the invitation can be downloaded here.